Current topics


Smart Services Worlds

The technology programmes "Smart Service World I" and "Smart Service World II" are designed to develop cutting-edge technologies for further digitisation of the economy and society.


Find information about the funded projects below. Click on the project name and go to the bottom of the page.


Smart data glasses in production processes (Smart Services World I technology programme)

Data glasses and augmented reality as control elements in production enable users to have their hands free for their actual work tasks. The aim of "Glass@Service" is to combine intelligent data glasses (Smart Glasses) with new kinds of interactions (e.g. eye and gesture control) and innovative IT services to use glasses as personalised information systems. This makes it possible to increase the freedom of movement of users and their efficiency at work. Particular attention will be paid to IT security and data protection.

Contact: Dr. Frank Schiefelbein (Siemens AG),

Project partners: Siemens AG (consortium leader), Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA), DIOPTIC GmbH, Fraunhofer-Institut für Organische Elektronik, Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik (FEP), Ubimax GmbH, UVEX Arbeitsschutz GmbH
