Smart Data Business Models

Working group on economic potential and social acceptance

Cover Smart Data Business Models
Smart Data Business Models

The „Smart Data“ Accompanying Research as well as members of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, of the IT Business Association BITKOM and of VOICE Bundesverband der IT-Anwender e. V. (German Federation of IT Users) presented the position paper Smart Data Business Models” in Berlin at the panel discussion “Smart Data Dialogue”. The focus on the panel was the development of new technologies and of new smart data business models as well as the access to data from the public sector. The position paper analyses future smart data business models and focuses on the question of appropriate incentive structures which would enhance the willingness of data disclosure to generate an economic or social benefit.


  • Using smart data to create added value
  • Addressing all the participants on multisided Markets
  • Organising data trade
  • Creating incentive systems to release data
  • Pressing ahead with open government data
  • Establishing technical standards
  • Training skilled personnel