Franco-German innovation projects for private 5G networks for industry
Funding call from March 3, 2022 based on the funding framework "Development of digital technologies"
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), together with the French Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances et de la Relance (MEFR), is planning to fund bilateral innovation projects on the topic of "Private 5G networks for industry".
France and Germany want to strengthen their cooperation in the field of 5G communication technologies. The common political goal is to strengthen European sovereignty in this area and to develop a vibrant ecosystem of German and French partners for private 5G networks. The call for tenders supple-ments the national funding program for 5G campus networks that has already started and the four selected Franco-German cooperation projects from the first call for funding.
This call for funding is aimed in particular at 5G applications in the industrial sector and pursues two interrelated goals:
- French and German industrial companies to be encouraged to develop use cases for private 5G networks and deploy the technology
- Promotion of the development of French and German 5G solutions for industry.
These solutions include the entire telecom network (RAN, core, devices...) and the services needed for private 5G networks (integration, data management and security...). The Franco-German innovation projects are intended to use synergies with the national funding activities in both countries and contribute to a transnational transfer of development results and 5G components that can be used flexibly.
Possible funding is based on the funding framework "Development of Digital Technologies", whose framework regulations apply. Funding is subject to the availability of corresponding budget funds.
Interested parties who submit an expression of interest by 08.04.2022 (see below) will be invited to an information and matchmaking event.
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