GEMIMEG - GEMIni MEtrology Global: Safe and robust calibrated measurement systems for digital transformation
The aim of the joint project "Safe and Robust Calibrated Measurement Systems for the Digital Transformation - GEMIMEG (GEMIni | MEtrology | Global) was to create a research agenda for the development and establishment of sensor networks as digitally calibrated measurement systems with a focus on "Safety and Security" as well as unique identity of the sensors. This included an extensive identification of requirements, use cases and open fields of action.
Great emphasis was placed on the secure transfer and use of the acquired data and its interpretation as a decisive added value for digital processes. The focus was on the areas of
- Digital calibration certificates
- Digital Twins
- Digital identity management for security in the industrial communication of the future
- Certified measurement with computer vision
Project partner: Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (coordinator), Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Project duration: 2018 — 2019 (6 month)
Total volume: approx. 0.9 million euros
Funding volume: approx. 0.8 million euros