
"Quantum Computing - Applications for industry" at the BITKOM Quantum Summit

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Several contributions will present solution approaches of the technology program "Quantum Computing - Applications for Business" at the Quantum Summit of BITKOM e.V. on May 11 and 12.

The projects of the new technology program "Quantum Computing - Applications for Business" develop software solutions and methods to facilitate the use of quantum computers in real-world applications. The program has been running since January 2022 and is represented by several projects at BITKOM e.V.'s Quantum Summit 22.

The AutoQML project will present two talks: In the presentation From Quantum Readiness to Quantum Awareness on May 11, Dr. Christian Tutschku from Fraunhofer IAO will address exploitation concepts and know-how transfer of QC applications to German industry. In another contribution, Dr. David Kreplin from Fraunhofer IPA will present the AutoQML project on May 12 under the title Quantum Computing as a Service: Cloud-based and automized QML Solutions for Industrial Use-Cases. Together with David Niehaus from StoneOne AG, he will demonstrate the integration of the resulting solutions into the PlanQK platform, which is also funded by the BMWK.

Also on May 12, PD Dr. Jeanette Lorenz from Fraunhofer IKS will present the QuaST project. Her talk is entitled QuaST Software for Quantum Computing: Easing Solutions for Complex Optimization Problems. It will provide insight into the project's holistic approach, which requires minimal knowledge of quantum computing hardware and hardware-related software components from industrial end users.

In addition, on the first day of the Summit, Dr. Johann Schmidt, responsible for the program support at the DLR Projektträger, will explain the technology program's contribution to technology transfer in a panel discussion.

Quantum Summit 22 on May 11 and 12, 2022, will provide a comprehensive look at the state of the art in quantum computing. Together, policy makers, representatives from industry and research institutions will explore how to shape the future of quantum computing in Europe and Germany. The event will take place online.

Further information on the technology program can be found here.