More flexibility and innovation: how open, modular 5G campus networks enrich the economy
Current findings and assessments from the CampusOS flagship project on the opportunities of open and modular 5G campus networks: new position paper and invitation to participate in a survey.
In its recently published position paper, the consortium of the BMWK funded 5G lead project "CampusOS" highlights the potential of open and modular 5G campus networks in various market segments. Greater flexibility and faster innovation opportunities are just two positive features.
Following the introduction of 5G, private 5G networks these days are gaining ground worldwide. With the help of these regionally limited radio networks industrial companies, infrastructure operators (e.g. ports, airports) or other organizations are technically decoupled from the public radio network and use their own frequencies approved by the Federal Network Agency. The proportion of open and modular 5G campus networks is growing in the market. Moreover, campus networks support the specific requirements of industry and enable new business models for technology providers and (industrial) users.
The CampusOS consortium's position paper is aimed at providers of 5G communication technologies (e.g. integrators, hardware/software providers, test equipment and service providers) as well as vertical industrial companies and operators. The authors are convinced: disaggregation, virtualization and openness offer a significant increase in flexibility, efficiency, agility, scalability and design options.
Do you share the position of the consortium? Please contribute your opinion and feedback to this survey.
Further information
CampusOS position paper
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