
Official kick-off event for international project AISSI

End:24/08/2021 - 02:00 PM
Location:Forum Digital Technologies, Berlin

Due to digitalisation, the demand for microchips is increasing rapidly. The AISSI (Autonomous Integrated Scheduling for Semiconductor Industry) project is starting with the aim of using artificial intelligence to create a continuous improvement framework for autonomous semiconductor manufacturing to outperform the competition in terms of efficiency, cost effectiveness and quality. This is an international collaboration with Singapore. The official kick-off event will give you closer insights into the project as well as project partners. In addition, there will be room for questions and suggestions on site as well as online. Information on the programme can be found Opens new window.

Due to the restriction of the number of participants on site, there will be a livestream. In order to be able to follow the livestream and ask questions to the speakers, please register in advance free of charge directly via this link:
