
Connecting Media with Usage Data. Platform for AI-based analysis, semantic integration and use of media data

Application industry: Media
Technology areas: Data and service management; semantic technologies

AI4MediaData is reducing the complexity of decision-making processes by creating smart links between media content and usage data: Methods of artificial intelligence (AI) are used here to analyse data of media content and link it with usage data. Automated evaluation, for instance, of the data pool increases the user experience with media libraries or streaming platforms. Media providers benefit from the solution because they can plan their offers more precisely and share the data with other stakeholders.

The baseline

Media consumption has changed significantly in recent years. Today, users are accustomed to automatically receiving films, music, or text content that match their interests. Especially large, mostly US-based online platforms successfully use such personalized offers. This is possible because, unlike German companies, they have huge amounts of data at their disposal, which they evaluate continuously. The European media landscape, in contrast, is highly fragmented and the development of AI-based data analysis in the media sector is far less advanced. AI4MediaData is set to change this.

The project goal

The project aims to develop the prototype of a software platform that combines, analyses, and uses AI-based data from different sources. The software analyses media data using AI methods and links the information obtained to data-based decision-making tools. Besides the actual media content, metadata (such as content descriptions), usage data (such as the number of retrievals and aborts) or, information about users and their habits are also included in the analysis. As part of the project, GDPR-compliant solutions will also be created together with media partners (broadcasters, distributors).

Application and practical benefit

AI4MediaData can be used wherever digital media content is provided. One advantage for users is that they can find interesting media content more easily and receive individually tailored recommendations. AI4MediaData generates knowledge about media content and its use. It links metadata with usage data on a platform to create assistance systems, for instance, for:

• Media creators/content managers who can now create successful media products
• Distributors who can deliver the right content to the right place at the right time
• Advertisers whose messages find the right recipients/whose messages reach the right places with the help of data
Three projects will be developed with one media partner per project during the funding phase. These partners support the project with technical input as test customers and provide media data. The projects will then be commercialized and exploited by AI4MediaData.

Term: 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2022

Consortium: ZDF Digital Medienproduktion GmbH (lead member), DDG – Digital Devotion Group GmbH, Hochschule Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Fraunhofer IAIS

Volker Denkel
ZDF Digital Medienproduktion GmbH

