Smart Data Web

Data Value Chains for Industrial Applications


For industrial production, it is important to be informed as early as possible about events that could lead to a significant disruption, for example natural disasters, political unrest, strikes or if suppliers are unable to deliver. Moreover, many other developments outside of one’s own business are also of great interest, such as new technologies, regulations, competitors’ products and transport routes. By automatically linking public data streams like news websites and social media platforms with internal company data, production plants can respond to changes faster and more safely.

The aim of the Smart Data Web project is to build a bridge between these two previously separate worlds of data: the publicly accessible internet and the internal information worlds at large companies. A new type of knowledge networks makes it possible to link these and facilitates the selection and analysis of relevant data. The information obtained in this way helps manufacturing companies to decisively optimise planning and decision-making processes such as supply chain management. Alongside supply chain management, another area of emphasis for the project is on market research.

Project partners:

• German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence GmbH DFKI (lead management)
• Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
• Siemens AG
• uberMetrics Technologies GmbH
• University of Leipzig
• VICO Research & Consulting GmbH

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