
Smart Disassembly with a Knowledge-based Automation System

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© Project SmartDIS

The 'SmartDIS' project brings together leading organizations in the field of complex ICT solutions from Austria and Germany in a strategic partnership. The goal of the project is to develop and implement an automated knowledge-driven robot-centric disassembly system that autonomously adapts to the particular specifications and constraints required to disassemble a given product. A systematic approach to the automation of disassembly processes is provided by applying knowledge-based systems by providing a semantic coupling between individual activities such as recognition, grasping, manipulation and individual disassembly operations.

The concept of SmartDIS is to link the semantic representation of a product model with the image recognition system to realize automatic identification. Subsequently, methods of image processing are integrated into the optimization algorithms of path planning and model-based robot control to achieve a dynamic specification of the robot's motion sequence for the individual disassembly processes. The SmartDis system will be implemented as a demonstrator for the disassembly of desktop PCs and will be tested and evaluated in a laboratory environment at ACIN of the Vienna University of Technology, Chair of Control Engineering of the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel and at PRIA. The applicability of the system, as well as the possibility to use the system for a wider range of products in waste separation, will be demonstrated in another use case (disassembly of antenna amplifiers) provided by the industrial partner Augusta GmbH.

Project partners:

  • Practical Robotics Institute Austria (PRIA) (Austria)
  • Institut für Automatisierungs‐ und Regelungstechnik (ACIN), TU Wien (Austria)
  • Lehrstuhl für Regelungstechnik, Christian‐Albrechts‐Universität (Germany)
  • Ing. Eric Dokulil e.U. (Austria)
  • Reichmann SPS‐Service GmbH (Austria)
  • Augusta Buntmetalle GmbH (Austria)
  • Boxx-IT Solutions GmbH (Germany)

Project coordinator:
Practical Robotics Institute Austria (PRIA)

Contact for German consortium:
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU)

Project duration: March 2021 – Aug. 2023

Total costs: 0.35 million euros

Total funding: 0.27 million euros

Contact person

Practical Robotics Institute Austria (PRIA)

Dr. Munir Merdan

T +43 1 33 126-361

Contact person

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Lehrstuhl für Regelungstechnik

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Meurer

T +49 431 880-6275