Development of digital technologies

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Our tasks in the Division responsible for the “Development of digital technologies” revolve around the promotion of research and development at the precompetitive
stage. The aim of our work is to pick up on key trends at an early stage and to accelerate the process of transferring scientific findings into the development of marketable high-tech technologies with high-level potential for practical applications.

All of the research programmes that receive funding involve model users who pilot the developments in order to establish their technical and economic viability. The results are then used as a starting point for the creation of market-ready products, solutions, and business models, particularly for SMEs.

Currently, most of the funding is devoted to the following programmes:

  • Trusted Cloud – to develop and test innovative, secure and legally compliant cloud-computing solutions
  • ICT for Electric Mobility II – Smart Cars, Smart Grids, and Smart Traffic
  • Autonomics for Industry 4.0 – to identify forward-looking approaches for smart production technologies and smart products
  • Smart Data – to develop and test new technologies that enable big data to be used in both the private sector and by the general public in a secure and legally compliant manner
  • ICT for Electric Mobility III – focusing on the key areas of logistics, mobility and energy infrastructure (from 2015)
  • Smart Services World (from 2016), to connect digital user areas using a targeted, secure combination of cyber-physical systems, data management technologies, and open service platforms