Cross-cutting topics

Business models for Industry 4.0

This cross-cutting topic focuses on the sharing of experience regarding the structured development of business models, from the idea itself right through to its realisation.
The Industry 4.0 paradigm will confront companies with fundamental change in the nature of their value streams. In future, companies will network their systems, machines, components, logistics and operating equipment. Thanks to state-of-the-art IT, it will be possible for the machines and components themselves to actively support the production process. For established companies, the transformation from a pure manufacturing company to a service provider will open up new business fields, for instance, by offering related services from one source.

Digital networking on the Internet of Things is creating a data universe that is paving the way for countless innovative ideas. While this may pose a challenge, particularly for established companies, it also offers opportunities to combine strengths. It is essential that new methods be implemented in separate business models so that companies can also continue to benefit from their ideas into the future.

As part of scientific assistance, the aim of the "Business models for Industry 4.0" cross-cutting topic is to support the development of business models specific to Industry 4.0. This is the purpose of sharing experience related to the structured development of business models, from the idea itself right through to its realisation. The areas that will be addressed include methods and instruments, opportunities and risks, promising business model templates as well as options for expanding or renewing existing business models.

The following activities are planned:
• Workshops
• Project-spanning expert groups
• Sharing experience in order to develop and implement business models, methods and instruments specifically for Industry 4.0
• Verification of the methods from the GEMINI project in the real examples
• Joint publications (methods, instruments, guidelines, experience, practical examples)